Derivative examples Example #1 f (x) = x 3 5x 2 x8 f ' (x) = 3x 2 2⋅5x10 = 3x 2 10x1 Example #2 f (x) = sin(3x 2) When applying the chain rule f ' (x) = cos(3x 2) ⋅ 3x 2' = cos(3x 2) ⋅ 6x Second derivative test When the first derivative of a function is zero at point x 0 f '(x 0) = 0 Then the second derivative at point x 0, f''(x 0), can indicate the type of that point How do you find the derivative of #f(x)=1/x^2# using the limit process?(c) Note that f(x) = x 1/2 Hence, with n = 1/2 in the power rule, (d) Since f(x) = x1, it follows from the power rule that f '(x) = x2 = 1/x 2 The rule for differentiating constant functions and the power rule are explicit differentiation rules The following rules tell us how to find derivatives of combinations of functions in terms of
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Example 5 X and Y are jointly continuous with joint pdf f(x,y) = (e−(xy) if 0 ≤ x, 0 ≤ y 0, otherwise Let Z = X/Y Find the pdf of Z The first thing we do is draw a picture of the support set (which in this case is the firstThe representation holds only for jxj < 1 In general, if a function f (x)can be F/X2 Directed by Richard Franklin With Bryan Brown, Brian Dennehy, Rachel Ticotin, Joanna Gleason A special effects man helps his girlfriend's ex, a cop, with a sting operation, where the ex gets killed Something's off and
1) f(x) 2 A) (x)8 2) 3f(x) B) 1 3 x 8 3) f(x) C) x8 ( 2 4) f(x 2) D) x8 2 5) 1 3 f(x) E) (x 3) 8 6) f(3x) F) x8 7) f(x) 2 G) (x 2)8 8) f(x) H) (3x)8 9) f(x 2) I) 3x8 10) f(x 3) J) (x 2)8 For #11 and #12, suppose g(x) = 1 x Match each of the numbered functions on the left with the lettered function on the rightWe can extend this idea to limits at infinity For example, consider the function f (x) = 2 1 x f (x) = 2 1 x As can be seen graphically in Figure 440 and numerically in Table 42, as the values of x x get larger, the values of f (x) f (x) approach 2 2 We say the limit as x x approaches ∞ ∞ of f (x) f (x) is 2 2 and write lim xOr e x can be defined as f x (1), where f x R → B is the solution to the differential equation df x / dt (t) = x f x (t), with initial condition f x (0) = 1;
Mathy=x^{1/2}/math math\dfrac{dy}{dx}=\dfrac{1}{2}x^{1/2}/math math\dfrac{dy}{dx}=\dfrac{1}{2x^{1/2}}/math math\dfrac{dy}{dx}=\dfrac{1}{2\sqrt{x}}/mathF x g x y 1 y 2 x 2 x x 1 x ² x x 1 x ² 1bf x g x y 1 y2 x 2 x x 1 x ² x x 1 x from COLLEGE OF 123 at Nueva Ecija University of Science and TechnologyThe cdf of random variable X has the following properties F X ( t) is a nondecreasing function of t, for − ∞ < t < ∞ The cdf, F X ( t), ranges from 0 to 1 This makes sense since F X ( t) is a probability If X is a discrete random variable whose minimum value is a, then F X ( a) = P ( X ≤ a) = P ( X = a) = f X

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